11th Sunday of Ordinary Time - 16th June 2024


Anyone who has ever sown a seed knows how humble, how insignificant the seed is. Some seeds are quite small, like the mustard seed in today’s gospel reading. But then, if the circumstances are right – the soil is good, there is sufficient moisture and sunshine – your humble seed usually grows into a respectable plant. In some cases, the resultant plant is quite impressive, again like the shrub that the mustard seed grows into, its branches are so full that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade. When Jesus told the parable of the mustard seed, he had in mind what the Church was at her inception, and what he knew she would become in the future – the turning point came on the day of Pentecost, when as many as 3000 persons joined the company of disciples (Acts 2:21) and the church has not looked back since then.
They come from every race, nationality, and language on earth. All those Christians from around the world are the birds sheltering in the shade of the magnificent shrub that the mustard seed that was sown in Galilee some more than two thousand years ago has become. Nothing is going to stop her growth because she is God’s own kingdom on earth.


MASSES FOR THE WEEK (17th-23rd June, 2024)

Day Time Church Liturgy  
Monday 17th NO Mass    
Tuesday 18th 9:30am St Mary’s Mass  
Wednesday 19th 9:15am   St Richard’s   Mass   St Romuald
Thursday 20th 9:30am   St Mary’s   Mass   St Alban Martyr
Friday 21st 09:15am St Richard’s Mass St Aloysius Gonzaga
Saturday 22nd 10am   St Mary’s   Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession SS John Fisher and Thomas More, Martyrs
11am 5pm 6:30pm St Mary’s St Richard’s St Mary’s Mass Vigil Mass Vigil Mass  
Sunday 23rd 9:30am 11am   St Richard’s St Mary’s   Mass Mass  

Pray for the Sick and Housebound at this time

 Eileen Tiernan, Joyce McLean, Delia Regan, Mia O’Connor, George O’Connor, Becky Lester, Patrick Rogers, Molly McGoldrick,  Ray Sweeney, Rob Stuart, Lucy Murphy, John Maskell, Alisha Malone,  Maise Callaghan, Damien Hegarty, John Tunney, John Reynolds, Mary Callaghan,  Sarah & Stacey Todd, Bryne Lynch, Kathleen McGuigan, Maureen Kennedy,  Margaret McAteer, Frank Kelly, Jackson Giles, Anna Kerrigan, , Judy Miller, Alan Smith, Christine Jackson, Irene Rice, Karen Rice, Keith and Linda Marshal, Thomas Fitzgerald, Mary Brennan, Louise Marshal, Jim McGlynn, Declan Coyle, Paul and Kath McIlvenny, Maria Morrissey, Anne Leavey, Lee Hegarty, John Coyne. Elizabeth Brennan. Veronica Curran. John Monaghan. Patricia McGuire. Winnie McDermott Mary Reilly. Mary McGlade.  Joe Furey. Pauline Flynn. Michael Cassidy. Fr David Egan. Paul Roberts. Kathleen Beech

We pray the Good Lord will strengthen and comfort them and we pray also for all who care for the sick and elderly.

May God Grant eternal rest to all those who have died recently:  Margaret Cain. Annie Joyce,

James Anthony Riley and his son James Michael Riley. Benny Reilly

Memorial Anniversaries for: Tommy Ryan (1st) Chris McEntee (2nd) Catherine Groake

 May they rest in Peace.


Special Intention: Mary Reilly (sick)


Birthday Remembrance for: Rose Doherty


Holy Father’s Intention: For those fleeing their own countries. Let us pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys fraught with danger and violence, may find welcome and new living opportunities in their host countries.



Our Parish summer fair is on 30th June, in two weeks.  We humbly request for your donations (money and items) for it to be a huge success. We also need help from anyone who can help to set up the hall for the fair or can help on the day, please make yourself known to Fr. Kris or call the office.


There will be a meeting of the planning committee of the summer fair immediately after breakfast in the parish hall. Please we need all who can help to be part of the meetin


Is there anyone who has or knows of a one room accommodation to rent? Kindly speak to Fr Kris


Second collection for today is the diocesan collection THE DAY FOR LIFE


Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 6:30pm


Presentation of Certificates to First Communion Candidates of St. Richard’s School will be at the 9:30am Mass at St. Richard’s Church. Congratulations once again to the children.


Have a good week everyone.